An Act Of Kindness
by Footlights Team on January 25, 2019
Usually, we don't blog about our customers in store... however, today we have made an exception to that rule!
We had two lovely little dancers in store shopping for Baby Ballet kit and there were excited faces, beautiful dresses, ballet shoes and emotional mummies aplenty!
However, disaster struck when both budding ballerinas decided they wanted the same ballet case... and we only had one left in stock! We explained we would put an urgent order in for another case but that someone would have to wait. Kindly, one child offered to wait so that the other could have the bag today.
We were very touched by her kindness, and the first child left with her new tutu, shoes and ballet bag in tow!
Then, in an even sweeter turn of events, the first child returned moments later. Her mum explained that she was upset to see the other little girl sad and without her bag, so had decided to come back and give her bag away and choose another. Well, we were bowled over! Such compassion from two small children!
We found her a beautiful case with a different design and both little girls were over the moon with their purchases.
So, the moral of today's story is to try and embody the same compassion as our little 3 year old customers and make someone happy with an act of kindness!
The team of Footlights!